Sunday, 2 March 2014

Who's survived the half term?

I wonder if I am the only Mum who is more perturbed by the disruption to routine that the half term brings than the child, especially when the child needs so much structure and support. It's taken this last week to catch up with all my jobs, and the 'to do' list was getting to such epic proportions that even procrastination got up and left the room!

Would you believe we've never really had any firm strategies when it came to school holidays,  they are always an anomaly.  It is a time that gets lost in refusals, meltdowns, negotiation and ultimately bribery, and over the years this has become more difficult as 'Bob' has got older.  Have we, Mr Autynary and I have been lazy, could have been!  In our defense, we spend most of the year desperately trying to achieve engagement, it's almost like the whole house takes a huge sigh and collapses out of sheer exhaustion when we get round to half term and holidays.  I have spent many sleepless nights feeling guilty that we haven't given more opportunity to 'Bob' in the extra curriculum stakes and any cracks in my parenting skills would identify that my ability to become a 'Super Mum' had 'Super'd' off!

Like many Mum's, I would read lots of women's magazines with an ideological notion of 'yummy mummies', pristine homes with a distinctive chateau farmhouse look about it, vibrant colours with a scandi twist to the playroom and rather delightful cupcakes whipped up in a trice!  In reality, I would gaze around at my Lego covered living room floor, the mound of washing on the kitchen floor, the breakfast pots stacked above the dishwasher and not in it! A house that has half finished renovations, and furniture that has seen better days.

In my order to regain some control, anything that could be put into one of those pretty printed boxes was! Mr Autynary seems to think I  have OCD because the box mountain is getting bigger and if I carry on he thinks that it will be on par with Hadrian's Wall.  'Bob', by the way, is completely oblivious to all this!

When 'Lil' was little I was working, but we always made the most of the holiday/weekend time.  We would do brunch, go girly shopping, Oooo and Ahhh over shiny, sparkly trinkets and have lots of film time.  You would have thought that with the arrival of 'Bob' we could balance out our social activity which would include Mr Autynary too (bless him he did feel left out).  In hindsight, a screaming toddler arching his back and pushing himself out of the stroller was a really good clue that things were not going to be that easy but bless us we did persevere.

That sums us up 'perseverance'! Well, I'm totally exhausted and a little bit miffed!  I try not to let these kinds of emotions railroad me, but sometimes they just come steaming on in there. With every half term holiday I know exactly what is going to happen; Our 'Bob' will set up the PC for the long haul, freshly laundered lounge wear becomes the norm and with waitress service what more could a young man ask for.  I'm tired now of the on-going battle to just get him out the front door, I'm finding the anxiety is shifting on to me whilst he is as happy as a sandboy.  And at the end of the day I'm not sure who I am more cross with, autism or me!  Have I survived the half term?  I think on this occasion anxiety wins hands down!


  1. Ahh Just it seems so unfair when what should be a good break for you turns into a battle field with ever changing goal posts! You can rest assured that everything you've achieved with Rob is amazing. I too have a house covered in lego and various constructions! Big hugs as ever my lovely xx

  2. Thank you xx They generally as a rule get me down, I think I'm just so tired lately that patience and tolerance had gone on holiday themselves!
