I can't believe it's been a week since my last blog post... I have been
meeting myself coming backwards this week! This week has been one of
vision, empowerment and achievement, disappointment and anxiety, intolerance
and obstacles, pain and joy!
In my quest for SEN knowledge and a keen interest in meeting other
parents locally, I joined the Parents Forum three years ago. Initially, I
went along just to find out what was going on in our local authority as most of
you are familiar with local authorities REALLY don't like SEN parents getting
to know too much! Crikey, if we knew too much we might see more clearly their
short comings! Through the meetings I became aware that I did have more
to contribute than I first thought. I'd spent years trapped in this
emotional bubble, and trying to find that even keel, trying desperately to
balance that see-saw of our life, that I lost sight of who I was and who I had
worked hard to be. What I found confusing too was the 'who I had worked
hard to be' because realising that who you want to be is an ever evolving
situation can be unnerving, a little bit scary and I was treading unchartered territory.
Could I possibly have anything to give or share? Do you know, and I can
say this now, YES I DO!
I'm really passionate about SEN parents and their capacity as an entity,
a united voice to influence change. I've participated as a Parent Rep on
local authority task and finish groups, third party steering groups and parent
led visioning events. I started off being very conservative and reserved,
taking a much secure position of just nodding and listening. I was
struggling inside to have that inner confidence that 1. Had I anything relevant
to say, and 2. That I would be heard. Stepping over that line came as a
bit of a shock to me, I'd had a really crappy week with our 'Bob's anxiety and
a truly fed up with the attitude of some people, So when asked whether parents
might engage with a new process I just let rip! Not in a nowty way, or
angry outburst kind of way... I merely pointed out quite honestly and calmly the
impact of continual assessments, the tiresomeness of repeating your child's
history to half a dozen practitioners and the endless filling out of forms,
etc, etc. I tried to convey what truly it is like on the front line of
SEN parents, warts and all! Letting them know we don't what pity, we want
answers, we want compromises, we want choices and most of all we want respect
and a voice in the decision making of our children's futures! Shocked!
You bet I was, more so because they all listened! I wouldn't say now I have a Rottweiler
reputation per se but I don't hold back and will ask squirmy questions. Parents want to be able to make informed
choices, not too much to ask!
So this week was our second Visioning event at the forum, I just love these sessions.
They get you fired up, enthused and above all give you confidence that
things are achievable. As I plan to take another step over another line
of uncharted waters, I look back at that day just to remind myself that I didn't
get hit by a bolt of lightning, and the ground didn't open up to swallow me!
I was reminded also today by another mummy blogger www.savette.com “...we just take everything for granted don’t
we and forget us as a person and just see ourselves as mums”... She is right;
we all carry on day to day, tackle those daily battles and endless chores, and
most cases with no thanks! We strive to do the best for our children, we battle
the small ‘uns and big ‘uns, we win some we lose some but we still get up the
next morning to start it all over again.
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that as a person we do some
remarkable things every day, and it may be you managed to get your little star
to eat a small amount of carrot, or placing a Thomas the tank engine sticker on
the toothbrush means your son might put it into his mouth today and tomorrow he
might just brush his front teeth. Every
day we are remarkable people, living a remarkable life with some remarkable
Our deeds are our monuments :o)
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment :-)
ReplyDeleteWell done for a great post and taking the step into uncharted waters . I hope your confidence continues to grow . Thanks for linking to my blog- wendy xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you as always for your kind words I'll keep you posted :-) Justine xxx
DeleteI can completely relate to your blog. I used to be shy and retiring but since entering the world of autism I have become my childs advocate in no uncertain terms. Sometimes calmly, sometimes not so, but either way its an insight into how SEN parents feel. We all deal with things differently but the fact we're speaking out can only be a good thing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your lovely comments. Sometimes we do have to shake it up a little :-) x